Our Bus
For more information on these conversations, and the services our bus provides; attached is our Green Paper on the subject.
HALE’s Mobile Venue is the perfect space for outreach projects and events throughout the community. The bus is purposely designed to help you engage with new audiences who may not otherwise access your services, and to take your services and work where it’s needed most.
“The bus provided our event with greater presence” – feedback from Mobile Venue hirer
The Mobile Venue is suitable for large promotional events, small group workshops, drop-in sessions and one-to-one consultations; making a big impact wherever it goes, and reaching thousands of local residents every year.
Click here to Book our Bus
The Future of Our Bus
As an ageing, diesel-powered resource, HALE’s Mobile Venue is becoming increasingly out of place in the emerging green agenda. At HALE, we believe our bus remains a vital community resource for a variety of reasons:
- Our mobile venue encourages mass participation and interaction with healthcare services in one of the country’s most deprived districts; and with many people continuing to limit their time away from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Our mobile venue has been utilised to spread messages on subjects ranging from blood pressure checks to sexual health services aimed at all age groups.
- Our mobile venue has continued to operate at a profit, whilst generating a small surplus.
As a result, and with the introduction of Bradford’s Clean Air Zone likely to result in a charge of £50 a day for the bus to enter the area, we are in continued dialogue with existing and potential stakeholders attempting to find a solution that allows us to retain this vital space. Potential solutions include:
- Fitting the existing vehicle with an alternative, environmentally-friendly, engine; namely one that relies on bio-methane or hydrogen fuel, or an electric battery.
- Purchasing a new, custom-built mobile venue that allows us to continue offering the services we provide.
- Purchasing an eco-friendly vehicle second-hand, and converting the venue’s interior internally.
1 Westgate
West Yorkshire
BD18 3QX