Reducing Isolation
Isolation and loneliness can affect people of all ages, but older people are especially vulnerable to social isolation. According to Age UK, more than 2 million people in England over the age of 75 live alone, and more than a million older people say they can go over a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member.
At HALE, we have been supporting people in Bradford for over 20 years and understand how important it is to reduce isolation for the benefit of an individual’s mental and physical health, and wellbeing.
We have a number of services that support people to come together in social settings and reduce feelings of loneliness from walking groups, to lunch clubs and much more.
Please click on the links in the right-hand box for more information on the services we offer.
You can download a copy of our What’s On guide here for more information on our social groups.
1 Westgate
West Yorkshire
BD18 3QX