Sexual Health
Please note this service is no longer available.
Our young people’s sexual health services aim to positively engage young people and use creative approaches to build positive relationships to support their sexual health.
HALE runs the following programmes:
Hale’s Sexual Health Outreach Team deliver training and outreach for the C-Card Condom Distribution Scheme in Bradford, in partnership with Step2 Young People’s Project.
What is C-Card?
A free confidential, co-ordinated service for young people aged 13 – 25 that aims to:
- ➔ Sign-post young people to other services
- ➔ Develop skills on how to use condoms correctly
- ➔ Give information about sexual health
- ➔ Provide support
- ➔ Make condoms more accessible
To sign up to our C-Card scheme click here
Training Aims/Objectives (Online)
The one-day online training course will provide professionals with the skills and tools to confidently register young people to c-card, issue condoms, provide information and promote healthy relationships.
It will also enable professionals to normalise and promote condom use and increase the number of young people accessing services.
A free starter pack and other resources will be provided throughout your involvement such as condoms, lube, demonstrator, femidoms, dental dams, pregnancy tests, screening tests and assorted leaflets.
If you’re interested in this FREE training please contact …
1 Westgate
West Yorkshire
BD18 3QX