Shipley Health, Wellbeing and Community Campus
Shipley has been selected by the Government as one of 101 places across England eligible for up to £25m investment through the Towns Fund. The Towns Fund constitutes a transformational programme of activity and investment in town and high street regeneration; promoting the distinctive offer of each place.
The Towns Fund will not only economically benefit Shipley, but will provide resources for addressing social deprivation and health inequalities and, one of the projects is development of a Health, Wellbeing and Community Campus.
The Health, Wellbeing and Community Campus project is sponsored by The Cellar Trust and HALE and the aim is to develop an inclusive, welcoming, accessible environment which would create a space for a range of health and wellbeing activities for all ages.
The campus will offer support with employment, mental health, social prescribing, self-care, befriending, childcare, sexual health and relationships, welfare and benefits, digital inclusion, a wide and varied menu of physical and social activities and early help and prevention support for families.
The project is looking to commission architectural services, detailed in the Architectural Services Brief, to support creation of the campus through the development of existing premises.
The deadline for the submission of bids is 16:00 on Friday 18th February 2022.
The project is also looking to commission organisational development and business planning services, detailed in the Consultancy Services Brief, to support development of the Health, Wellbeing and Community Campus business case.
The deadline for the submission of bids is 17:00 on Friday 25th February, 2022.
To download the Tender Brief click here
For further information, please visit www.ourtownshipley.co.uk or contact Anthony Burnham, Programme Manager, anthony.burnham@thecellartrust.org.
1 Westgate
West Yorkshire
BD18 3QX