Referrals can be made by any lead professional from the CMHT or assessment teams (including care-coordinators, CPNs or social workers). The lead professional should keep their client on their caseload after referral for the duration of their time with the Reach team.

The Reach service provides clients with one to one support for up to 6 months; identifying personal goals and working towards achieving them. We also offer support to access groups and other services based on their locality and interests.
Reach is not a clinical service but is delivered by experienced colleagues who specialise in mental health. Our team has various specialisms, including:
- working with dual diagnosis of drugs and alcohol and severe mental illness
- working to reach all communities
- in some cases, lived experience of mental health difficulties and recovery and are Peer Support Workers
- In addition, our team includes people who work to coproduce and engage with the people we are supporting in client involvement work
At HALE the Reach Volunteer Group Coordinator can support people who want to gain more confidence and develop wider social connections and friendships in their community:
The project aims:
- Help people gain confidence and develop social connections.
- Work in a collaborative way with clients to identify small step goals.
- Link and sign post clients into existing community based activities in their local area.
- Plan and deliver one off taster sessions and short term peer support group activities/ sessions.
The service is for working age adults (18-65) who:
- have been diagnosed with a serious mental illness (SMI)
- are hoping to be involved in community activities
- are currently on a waiting list or currently accessing secondary mental health services including Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) and Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP)
We offer support to access community services and groups, assist with travel training on public transport, support accessing education settings, voluntary roles and employment opportunities.
You can download a copy of the referral form here
We work with our partners The Cellar Trust and Project 6 to deliver this service.
1 Westgate
West Yorkshire
BD18 3QX