WISHH Living Well Champion
The WISHH Living Well Champion delivers weekly community-based health and social activities to increase and improve an individuals’ management of their own health and wellbeing issues.
These activities are aimed at:
- Individuals who are disconnected from their community and local provision, experiencing loneliness and are at higher risk of a range of physical and mental health conditions
- Individuals who are facing financial hardship and emotional trauma (marriage breakups, anxiety, panic attacks , previous relationship trauma including abuse).
- Individuals who wish to increase their self-confidence, reduce isolation, and support each other via organised structured activities.
- Individuals who may face long term health conditions in later life, due to current lifestyle habits and are open to receiving new information around their health and wellbeing.
They also reconnect people to existing and new activities in the local area, and work alongside members in collaboratively identifying projects to be delivered based on their interests e.g. gardening ,creating bird boxes and planters, upholstery, arts and crafts, health-themed talks and quizzes.
The current groups running are Men Together, Men’s Shed, WISHH Walk Way and a cycling group – all offering a safe space for individuals with low level mental health issues aged 18+ to meet , socialise and participate in groups activities.
You can download our WISHH Walk Way leaflet here.
For more information on any of the groups you can contact the WISHH Living Well Champion:
James Howgego
07946 155347

1 Westgate
West Yorkshire
BD18 3QX