Young Peoples’ Social Prescribing Service

Young Peoples’ Social Prescribing Service

Young Peoples’ Social Prescribing Service

The Young People’s Social Prescribing Service is available for children and young people aged 9 – 19 who are living/accessing services within the Bradford Central District, as part of the Reducing Inequalities in City – Youth in Mind in City Funding. This new service will provide 1 to 1 tailored support and connect children and young people into wider activities and services to improve their health and wellbeing.

This service aims to address loneliness and isolation, improve confidence and self-esteem, recognise and value the contributions made by children and young people within their communities; and to increase their ability to make positive choices to keep them safe and well.

Referrals are welcomed from schools, colleges, alternative education settings, G.P practices, G.P’s via Systm1, care and residential homes, specialised young people’s services, and youth clubs. We also encourage young people to self-refer.

To refer someone to our service, please complete this referral form this referral form and return to via email or Galaxkey.

Telephone: 01274 271088

Fax: 01274 710843